Star wars b2 battle droid
Star wars b2 battle droid

Super battle droids saw use throughout the Clone Wars as soldiers for the Confederacy along with its smaller cousins and the dreaded droidekas.

  • Ranged/ Melee ( Death Watch Bunker, Borvo's, and Station Gamma only)ī2 super battle droids, more commonly known simply as super battle droids, supers, or SBDs, were upgraded versions of the B1 battle droids used first by the Trade Federation during the Battle of Naboo and later by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
  • Difficulty: Elite/ Boss (non elites found on Station Gamma and during Naboo Legacy).
  • star wars b2 battle droid

    Deathblows: Yes/no (Station Gamma Droids only).

    star wars b2 battle droid

    As of Game Update 12 they have become craftable. These droids are also to be found in The Warren and the Imperial Detainment Center on Dantooine, The Droid Bunker on Corellia, various Old Republic facilities on Mustafar, in Borvo the Hutt's Vault and the Ultragungan Bunker on Naboo, onboard Corellian Corvettes, random spawns in Theed, Station Gamma, and known crash sites on Tatooine and Lok. Though nearly 25 years have passed, these droids are operational and quite lethal. One of several models of aggressive droids in The Shadowed Lands of Kashyyyks Rryatt Trail left behind from the Second Battle of Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars.

    Star wars b2 battle droid